You are viewing the version of bio from Nov. 27, 2012, 10:50 a.m. (moderator approved).
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associate of
John Eric Frith
Artist, Artist (Sculptor), Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)
associate of
Emeric Vrbancich
Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)
child of
née Hodson Vi Eyre
Other occupation
spouse of
née Michael Fanny Marguerite Eyre
Other occupation
child of
Hal Eyre
Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)
Eyre, Harry Giles H.
associate of
Charles Gould
Artist (Painter), Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)
associate of
George Molnar
Artist (Painter), Architect, Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)
associate of
Betty Paterson
Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator), Artist (Painter)
associate of
Lawrence David Pickering
Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)

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References [<ExternalResource: 'New South Wales Marriage records 7449/1901; 27356/1941'.>, <ExternalResource: 'New South Wales Death records 67831/1972'.>, <ExternalResource: (June 1997), 'Art Gallery of Western Australia Cartoon', Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA, .>, <ExternalResource: King, J. (1979), 'The Other Side of the Coin: a Cartoon history of Australia', Cassell Australia, Stanmore, NSW [rev. ed.].>, <ExternalResource: Rafty ,Tony and Mack, Brodie (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning', Blaxland Gallery, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Souter, Gavin (1981), 'Company of Heralds : a Century and a Half of Australian Publishing by John Fairfax Limited and its Predecessors, 1831-1981', Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic. [pp. 256-57].>, <ExternalResource: Stone, Walter (1973), 'Fifty Years of the Newspaper Cartoon in Australia', The News, Adelaide in association with the Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, SA [p. 75].>, <ExternalResource: Walsh, Richard (1967), 'Gough Syrup', Sun, Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Coleman, Peter and Tanner, Les (1978), 'Cartoons of Australian History', T. Nelson Australia, West Melbourne, Vic.>] [<ExternalResource: 'New South Wales Marriage records 7449/1901; 27356/1941'.>, <ExternalResource: 'New South Wales Death records 67831/1972'.>, <ExternalResource: (June 1997), 'Art Gallery of Western Australia Cartoon', Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA, .>]