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Powerhouse Museum, 'Bottle, 'Unravelled’, by Benjamin Edols and Kathy Elliott’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/158254Powerhouse Museum, ’97/320/2 Bowl, 'Octopus’, soda-lime glass/ citrine green interior, blown by Benjamin Edols, wheel-cut by Kathy Elliott, Australia, 1996’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/158255Powerhouse Museum, 'Bowl by Benjamin Edols and Kathy Elliott’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/8722Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | Jan. 13, 2013, 9:37 p.m. | Jan. 13, 2013, 9:36 p.m. |
See alsos | [<ExternalResource: Powerhouse Museum (c. 2007) 'Edols and Elliot', D*Hub, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney>] |