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[<ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz, ''.>, <ExternalResource: Bramwell, Murray & Matthews, David (1 January 1992), 'Wanted for Questioning: Interviews with Australian comic artists', Sydney, NSW : Sydney Morning Herald.>, <ExternalResource: Carew, Jenny (1985), 'The Heidelberg School Picnic: An exhibition of contemporary Australian cartoons. illustrations and humorous creations', Melbourne, Vic : State Library of Victoria.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Holder, Jo.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (ed.) (1988), 'Beyond a Joke : An anti-Bicentenary cartoon book', Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic : McPhee Gribble & Penguin (published in aid of the Northern Territory Aboriginal Land Council).>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (1988), 'The Modern Girl's Guide to Safe Sex', Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic : McPhee Gribble/ Penguin (rev. edn 1993).>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (1990), 'Keep Yourself Nice : Kaz Cooke answers your etiquette problems', Sydney, NSW : Allen & Unwin.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (1992), 'The Crocodile Club (a novel set in Darwin)', North Sydney, NSW : Allen & Unwin.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (1993), '1994 Modern Girl's Diary', St Leonards, NSW : Allen & Unwin.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (1994), 'Real Gorgeous : The truth about body and beauty', St Leonards, NSW : Allen & Unwin1994 (revised edition 1997).>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (1996), 'Get a Grip', Ringwood, Vic : Penguin.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz [written and directed by] (c.1994), '[videorecording of] Gorgeous : starring Hermoine the modern girl', Film Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (c.1995), 'Totally Gorgeous : the CD ROM', Film Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (2001), 'Living with Crazy Buttocks', Ringwood, Vic : Penguin.>, <ExternalResource: Cross, Rosie (8 March 1996), 'geekgirl meets... Australia's totally Gorgeous modern girl Kaz Cooke', in Geekgirl 5 ('Hysteria')>, <ExternalResource: Harmer, Wendy (1989), 'It's A Joke, Joyce : Australia's Funny Women', Sydney, NSW : Pan Books (Australia), p 110.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz? (illustrated - and written? - by Cooke) (1997), 'Lola Montez : The arts of beauty : or Secrets of a lady's toilet, with hints to gentlemen on the art of fascinating', Melbourne, Vic : Text Publishing.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne, Vic : Age.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW : Sydney Morning Herald.>, <ExternalResource: Australian.>, <ExternalResource: The Eye.>, <ExternalResource: Bridges, Jim and Heimann, Rolf (1988), 'Australia, the cartoon', Carlton, Vic : McCulloch, p. 82.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz (2000), 'The Terrible Underpants', Ringwood, Vic : Puffin.>]
[<ExternalResource: Cooke, Kaz, ''.>]