References |
[<ExternalResource: '(NSW Death Records : 32627/1970)'.>, <ExternalResource: Maegraith, Kerwin (with foreword by Florence M. Taylor) (c.1969), 'Construction Cartoons by Kerwin Maegraith : 1,000 Cartoons from Construction, Australasian Engineer and Building: Lighting: Engineering', Sydney, NSW : Construction, Australasian Engineer and Building : Lighting: Engineering.>, <ExternalResource: (17 April 2001), 'PICMAN', Sydney, NSW : State Library of New South Wales.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, Joan, '[Joan Kerr Archive]', Canberra, ACT : National Library of Australia.>, <ExternalResource: (22 July 1952), 'Artist Kerwin Maegraith...', Sydney, NSW : Sun.>, <ExternalResource: (12 February 1953), 'Sydney artist Kevin Maegraith...', Sydney, NSW : Sun.>]
[<ExternalResource: '(NSW Death Records : 32627/1970)'.>]