You are viewing the version of bio from Aug. 28, 2012, 2:18 p.m. (moderator approved).
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associate of
John Gorus
Artist (Photographer)
associate of
Thomas Brown
Other occupation
parent of
Sophia Steffanoni
Other occupation
child of
Guiseppe Stefenoni
Other occupation
parent of
Essie Steffanoni
Other occupation
parent of
Alice Steffanoni
Other occupation
relative of
Ann Reading
Other occupation
parent of
Lewis Junior Stefenoni
Other occupation
parent of
William Stefenoni
Other occupation
spouse of
Sarah Ann Steffanoni
Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer)
a painter, illuminator and commercial artist who became an inaugural council member of the NSW Academy of Art in 1871
parent of
Sophie Steffanoni
Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Painter)

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