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Date modified | Dec. 18, 2012, 3:24 p.m. | Dec. 18, 2012, 3:22 p.m. |
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Biography |
¶ Following in her parents footsteps, Sharota took a fashion course at the McCabe Academy where she learnt the basics of pattern-making, grading, and on the practical side, how to make collars and set in sleeves. She then went to Paris to study for two years. Followed by an apprenticeship in Paris for six months before returning to Australia in 1966. ¶ ¶ Upon her return from Paris, Sharota started creating Pop Art style earrings, using PVC off-cuts, cut into squares, circles, triangles, and simple primary colours. ‘Geometric Earrings by Liz Huppert’ were supplied to a host of boutiques in Sydney, including the In Shoppes. ¶ ¶ In 1968 Sharota joined Osti as a designer, a company that originally specialised in sleepwear but eventually expanded to start designing dresses for the 18 to 25 year old market. |