References |
[<ExternalResource: Judith Ryan (2006), 'Lorraine Connelly-Northey: Hunter-Gatherer' in _Contemporary Commonwealth_, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: Helen Bongiorno (2005), 'Hunter Gatherer'.>, <ExternalResource: Richards, Bree (2009), _Floating Life: Contemporary Aboriginal Fibre Art_, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane.>, <ExternalResource: Richards, Bree (2009), _Floating Life: Contemporary Aboriginal Fibre Art_, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane.>]
[<ExternalResource: Judith Ryan (2006), 'Lorraine Connelly-Northey: Hunter-Gatherer' in _Contemporary Commonwealth_, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: Helen Bongiorno (2005), 'Hunter Gatherer'.>, <ExternalResource: Richards, Bree (2009), _Floating Life: Contemporary Aboriginal Fibre Art_, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane.>]