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Powerhouse Museum (), ’95/319/4 Textile length, 'Mai Putitja’ (Bush food), cotton, designed by Nyuwara (Kanngitja) Tapaya, printed by Marie Warren, Ernabella, South Australia, 1989-1995’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/147774Powerhouse Museum, ’95/319/3 Textile length, 'Puti’ (Bush), cotton, designed by Nyukana (Daisy) Baker and Nyuwara (Kanngitja) Tapaya, printed by Marie Warren, Ernabella, South Australia, 1989-1995’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/147773Powerhouse Museum, ’95/319/1 Textile length, 'Nguratjara’ (Visions of Home), cotton, designed Ernabella artists, printed Marie Warren, Ernabella, South Australia, 1989-1995’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/147771Powerhouse Museum (), ’95/319/4 Textile length, 'Mai Putitja’ (Bush food), cotton, designed by Nyuwara (Kanngitja) Tapaya, printed by Marie Warren, Ernabella, South Australia, 1989-1995’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/147774Powerhouse Museum, ’95/319/2 Textile length, 'Maku’ (Witchetty Grub), cotton, designed by Vera Mbitjana Williams, printed by Marie Warren, Ernabella, South Australia, Australia, 1989-1995’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
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Date modified | July 16, 2014, 6:16 p.m. | July 16, 2014, 6:15 p.m. |