References |
[<ExternalResource: 'Interview with the artist, artist's website, and secondary sources', Interview with Mathew Lynn, 27/9/09.>, <ExternalResource: Mathew Lynn (October 1997), 'Kaleidoscope Eyes', Sydney Grammar School, .>, <ExternalResource: John McDonald (29 March 1997), 'Yes, we have no bananas', Sydney Morning Herald [Spectrum], John Fairfax Group Pty. Ltd.>, <ExternalResource: McDonald, John (21 March 1998), ''The winner, by a head', Sydney Morning Herald [Spectrum]', John Fairfax Group Pty. Ltd.>]
[<ExternalResource: 'Interview with the artist, artist's website, and secondary sources', Interview with Mathew Lynn, 27/9/09.>, <ExternalResource: Mathew Lynn (October 1997), 'Kaleidoscope Eyes', Sydney Grammar School, .>]