You are viewing the version of bio from March 15, 2013, 12:33 p.m. , as edited by Timothy Roberts (needs approval).
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associate of
Women's National Emergency League
Other occupation
associate of
R.S. Exton & Co.
Other occupation

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Record status needs approval moderator approved
Date modified March 15, 2013, 12:33 p.m. Nov. 5, 2012, 8:01 p.m.
See alsos [<ExternalResource: 'Section 9: plate 399.', Heritage biography.>, <ExternalResource: 'PORTRAIT: Val and Her Pots, photograph (p.c.), courtesy Glenn R. Cooke.'.>, <ExternalResource: Roberts, Timothy, 'A major gift of Harvey School pottery", The World of Antiques and Art vol 84 February-August 2013, pp 44-48.>] [<ExternalResource: 'Section 9: plate 399.', Heritage biography.>, <ExternalResource: 'PORTRAIT: Val and Her Pots, photograph (p.c.), courtesy Glenn R. Cooke.'.>]