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including wood-engraving Baboons 1936
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References | [<ExternalResource: Malin, Lyn (1931), 'Stories of Faerieland', Hassell Press, Adelaide, Voke contributed the illustrations.>, <ExternalResource: Carroll, Alison (1981), 'Graven Images in the Promised Land: A History of Printmaking in South Australia 1836-1981', Adelaide.>, <ExternalResource: Wilson, Shirley Cameron (1988), 'From Shadow into Light', St Peter's, SA.>, <ExternalResource: (1936), 'A Book of South Australia: Women in the First Hundred Years', Adelaide, SA.>, <ExternalResource: (c.1930), The Paint Pot, Adelaide.>] | [<ExternalResource: Malin, Lyn (1931), 'Stories of Faerieland', Hassell Press, Adelaide, Voke contributed the illustrations.>] |