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Angus, Max (c.1970), 'Molly Stephens 1920-1970’, Hobart, Tas : Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, (exhibition catalogue).
Backhouse, Sue (1988), 'Tasmanian artists of the twentieth century’, Hobart, Tas : (pp 194-195).
Curnow, Heather (2002), 'Molly Stephens’, Hobart, Tas : in Hurst Nevin; Masterpiece Fine Art Gallery Australian Artists Colonial to Contemporary: A Spring Exhibition, Sandy Bay Road, Hobart, September-October 2002, no.82.
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References | [<ExternalResource: Angus, Max (c.1970), 'Molly Stephens 1920-1970', Hobart, Tas : Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, (exhibition catalogue).>, <ExternalResource: Backhouse, Sue (1988), 'Tasmanian artists of the twentieth century', Hobart, Tas : (pp 194-195).>, <ExternalResource: Curnow, Heather (2002), 'Molly Stephens', Hobart, Tas : in Hurst Nevin; Masterpiece Fine Art Gallery Australian Artists Colonial to Contemporary: A Spring Exhibition, Sandy Bay Road, Hobart, September-October 2002, no.82.>] |