References |
[<ExternalResource: (November 2004), 'Report from the Fourth Pillar Conference', The Cultural Development Network, Melbourne, VIC, .>, <ExternalResource: 'Interview and various websites'.>, <ExternalResource: (September 1999), 'The Creative Inspiration: Arts and Culture in the Baha'i faith', Association for Baha'i Studies Newsletter, no. 46, .>, <ExternalResource: Burton, C. (1994), 'Here, there be dragons', [public art in Western Sydney], Artlink, Vol. 14, no. 3, Spring, pp. 34-35.>]
[<ExternalResource: (November 2004), 'Report from the Fourth Pillar Conference', The Cultural Development Network, Melbourne, VIC, .>, <ExternalResource: 'Interview and various websites'.>, <ExternalResource: (September 1999), 'The Creative Inspiration: Arts and Culture in the Baha'i faith', Association for Baha'i Studies Newsletter, no. 46, .>]