References |
[<ExternalResource: Shaw, Muriel (December 1944), 'St Hilda's 1944 School Magazine', Southport, p.9 Art notes, .>, <ExternalResource: (1942), 'The Plantation Woodcut by Muriel Foote', Meanjin Papers Contemporary: Verse and Prose, Vol 2. No. 3, Spring.>, <ExternalResource: Timms, Peter (1986), 'Australian Studio Pottery and China Painting', Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Vic., p.139.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Glenn & Edwards, Deborah (1983), 'L.J. Harvey and His School', Queensland Art Galley, Brisbane, Qld, p.101.>, <ExternalResource: Duhig, Dr. (4 May 1941), 'Women well known in the Art World', The Steering Wheel and Society Home, p.38.>, <ExternalResource: Hansen, Maureen (2005), 'The Wesley Hospital 'Women in Art' Exhibition; Every Woman Expo', Exhibition Catalogue, Brisbane, Qld.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, Joan (1995), 'Heritage: The National Woman's Art Book', G+B Arts International Limited and Art & Australia Book, pp 152-153 & 447-448.>, <ExternalResource: Young, John & McDonnell, J.L (1937), 'A Group of Young Painters', Macquarie Galleries Catalogue, Bligh Street, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Barron, Claire (30 September 1993), 'Painting exhibition to honor artist', South East Advertiser, Brisbane, Qld.>]
[<ExternalResource: Shaw, Muriel (December 1944), 'St Hilda's 1944 School Magazine', Southport, p.9 Art notes, .>]