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Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
Curtin Gallery exhibition archive
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
Curtin Gallery exhibition archive
The GAWA supported the third Artist’s Regional Exchange (ARX 3) by presenting an installation work by Australian artist Noelene Lucas. The work was formalised during the artist’s residency at Silpakorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, which was funded by the Visual Arts/Craft Board of the Australia Council.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
AGWA annual report
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
AGNSW Library catalogue
Exhibition Catalogue:
3 installations: Noelene Lucas, Ross Mellick, Robert Owen. [Sydney]: Art Gallery of New South Wales, [1991]
ISBN 073583708
Sculptures by Noelene Lucas, artist in residence at the Darwin Community College.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
NT annual report
Also known as 'Sculpturscape '73’
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Date modified | Feb. 14, 2018, 2:05 p.m. | April 27, 2017, 2:08 p.m. |