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References | [<ExternalResource: 'interview with artist (2010); catalogues; reviews'.>, <ExternalResource: (2010), 'Personal Communication with Nola Jones'.>, <ExternalResource: http://www.dtd.com.au/Nola%20Jones.htm, 'Nola Jones Artist Biography, Duncan Taylor Design'.>, <ExternalResource: (2010), 'Nola Jones Artist Profile, Wilson Street Gallery'.>, <ExternalResource: (1994), 'Nola Jones, ROM Gallery Exhibition Booklet', Printed by: R. F. Jones & Sons Pty. Ltd., Syndey, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: (2002), 'Nola Jones, The Depot Gallery Exhibition Booklet', Printed by: Lindsay Yates & Partners, Sydney, NSW.>] | [<ExternalResource: 'interview with artist (2010); catalogues; reviews'.>, <ExternalResource: (2010), 'Personal Communication with Nola Jones'.>, <ExternalResource: http://www.dtd.com.au/Nola%20Jones.htm, 'Nola Jones Artist Biography, Duncan Taylor Design'.>, <ExternalResource: (2010), 'Nola Jones Artist Profile, Wilson Street Gallery'.>] |