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Kerr, Joan (1998), '(Interviews with artist)’, 1998/1999.
Heth (Hetherington, Norman) (1945), 'Army Daze – by Heth’, Pinnacle Press, Sydney, NSW and Frank Johnson (ML F940.540994/1), Melbourne, Vic.
Kerr, Joan (1999), 'Artists and Cartoonists in Black and White’, National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney, NSW.
King, Jonathan (1979), 'The other side of the coin – a cartoon history of Australia’, Cassell Australia (Revised edition), Stanmore, NSW, p 152.
Kusko, Julie (c.1992), 'Two-up: Rebecca and Norman Heatherington [sic]’, The Australian Magazine, p.26.
Lindesay, Vane (1994), 'Drawing from life – a history of the Australian Black and White Artists’ Club’, State Library of New South Wales Press, Sydney, NSW, p 95.
Rafty, Tony with Mack, Brodie (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning’, Blaxland Gallery, Sydney, NSW.
Southcott, Mark (1990), 'Mr Squiggle pulls right strings’, The Australian, June, 11.
Stone, Walter (1973), ’50 years of the newspaper cartoon in Australia’, The News, Adelaide in association with the Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, p 78.
Warburton, Toni (2001), '(Press release for 'The Art of Norman Hetherington’)’, January, Blackheath, NSW.
(1986), 'Australian Black and White Artists’ Club Book of Originals’, Australian Black and White Artists Club, Art Gallery of New South Wales (178.1988.1-102), Sydney, NSW.
(1997), '[cartoon computer printout]’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, June, Perth, WA.
(2001), 'Squigglecut’, Daily Telegraph, July, 3, Sydney, NSW.
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