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Angus, Max 1975 'The World of Olegas Truchanas’. Olegas Truchanas Publication Committee, Hobart.
Cica, Natasha 2011 'Pedder dreaming: Olegas Truchanas and a lost Tasmanian wilderness.’ University of Queensland Press, St Lucia.
Flanagan, Richard 2011 'The outsiders: Olegas Truchanas and Peter Dombrovskis.’ Art and Australia, vol 48(1), p.124(4)
Sprod, Dan 2002 'Truchanas, Olegas’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol 16, Melbourne University Press, Carlton.
Kazokas, G E 1992 “Lithuaian artists in Australia 1950-1990’.
http://eprints.utas.edu.au/17346/Bonyhady, Tim 'No Dams: The art of Olegas Truchanas and Peter Dombrovskis’ in Butler, Roger (editor) 1997 'The Europeans: Emigre artists in Australia 1930-1960’ National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
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