An artist who communicated his daily life through his hand decorated envelopes and letters that he sent to his family during WWII. They must have been a source of great joy and interest to his loved ones and surely would have brought their lives closer together at such a fraught time. His letters and envelopes are carefully preserved, but sadly none of his wife's replies remain.
Illustrator, decorated envelopes and letters he wrote to his wife (Mrs O. Nash, Adam Street (and Station Hill), Bundamba, Queensland) and children (Terrence, Dianne and Pamela Nash) from active service in the Pacific during WWII, including New Guinea. Watercolour illustrations sent to his children often showed with cartoon characters, while those to his wife included lively drawings of fellow soldiers, natives and scenes of everyday life in the army. Those included in McBride and Taylor were apparently published in the Courier Mail 's weekly 'Dear Digger’ column. The letters as well as envelopes are preserved (location not given) although his wife’s replies have not survived.
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