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References [<ExternalResource: Gray, N., 'Raphael Clint', Melbourne, Vic : Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 1, [Pike, D. (ed.)], Melbourne University Press.>, <ExternalResource: Bryan, M. (1903), 'Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers', London, England, UK.>, <ExternalResource: Darragh, T.A. (1990), 'The Establishment and Development of Engraving and Lithography in Melbourne to the Time of the Gold Rush', Willow Bend, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Dunbar, D. (ed.) (1991), 'Thomas Bock: Convict Engraver', Launceston, Tas : Society Portraitist, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery catalogue.>, <ExternalResource: Gunnis, R., 'Dictionary of British Sculptors', London, England, UK : no date.>, <ExternalResource: (1833), 'Journals of Several Expeditions made in Western Australia during the years 1829, 1830, 1831 and 1832...', London, England, UK.>, <ExternalResource: Mahood, M. (1973), 'The Loaded Line: Australian Political Caricature 1788-1901', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Moore, W. (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art', Sydney, NSW : Angus and Robertson, (facsimile reprint 1980), 2 volumes.>, <ExternalResource: (1835), Sydney Times, 02-14.>, <ExternalResource: Franklin, Jane, 'Diary of a journey from Port Phillip to Sydney 1839', Canberra, ACT : National Library of Australia, manuscript 114.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Dixon, Christine.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Neville, Richard.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Callaway, A.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Lennon, Jane.>, <ExternalResource: (1838), Commercial Journal and Advertiser, 05-02.>, <ExternalResource: (1838), Commercial Journal and Advertiser, 05-03.>, <ExternalResource: (1838), Commercial Journal and Advertiser, 05-05.>, <ExternalResource: (1838), Commercial Journal and Advertiser, 05-09.>, <ExternalResource: (1840), Commercial Journal and Advertiser, 09-23.>, <ExternalResource: (1840), Commercial Journal and Advertiser, 09-26.>, <ExternalResource: (1842), Sydney Morning Herald, 05-19.>, <ExternalResource: (1842), Sydney Morning Herald, 12-12.>, <ExternalResource: (1843), Sydney Morning Herald, 09-25.>, <ExternalResource: (1843), Sydney Morning Herald, 12-11.>, <ExternalResource: (1844), Sydney Morning Herald, 02-17.>, <ExternalResource: (1844), Sydney Morning Herald, 03-16.>, <ExternalResource: (1847), Sydney Morning Herald, 06-16.>, <ExternalResource: (1847), Sydney Morning Herald, 08-11.>, <ExternalResource: (1849), Sydney Morning Herald, 09-21.>, <ExternalResource: (1854), London, England, UK : Art Journal, July.>, <ExternalResource: 'Joan Kerr Archive', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.>]