References |
[<ExternalResource: Smith, Bernard, 'Lindsay, Raymond (1903-1960)', Melbourne University Press, Vic., Australian Dictionary of Biography.>, <ExternalResource: Howarth R. G. & Barker A. W. (eds) (1979), 'Letters of Norman Lindsay', Angus & Robertson. Sydney, NSW, The letter quoted in the DAAO entry is published on page 551 of this book.>, <ExternalResource: Payter, Dora (June 1931), 'Painting the Past', Sydney, NSW: B.P. Magazine, .>, <ExternalResource: 'various'.>, <ExternalResource: Arnold, John (ed) (1983), 'A letter from Sydney', Jester Press, Melbourne, Vic., A long letter from Ray Lindsay to his England-based brother Jack Lindsay.>, <ExternalResource: Lindsay, Jack (1960), 'The Roaring Twenties', The Bodley Head, London, UK.>, <ExternalResource: Lindsay, Philip (undated c. 1941?), 'I'd live the same over', Hutchinson & Co, London, UK.>, <ExternalResource: (7 May 1929), Sydney, NSW: Sun.>]
[<ExternalResource: Smith, Bernard, 'Lindsay, Raymond (1903-1960)', Melbourne University Press, Vic., Australian Dictionary of Biography.>, <ExternalResource: Howarth R. G. & Barker A. W. (eds) (1979), 'Letters of Norman Lindsay', Angus & Robertson. Sydney, NSW, The letter quoted in the DAAO entry is published on page 551 of this book.>, <ExternalResource: Payter, Dora (June 1931), 'Painting the Past', Sydney, NSW: B.P. Magazine, .>, <ExternalResource: 'various'.>, <ExternalResource: Arnold, John (ed) (1983), 'A letter from Sydney', Jester Press, Melbourne, Vic., A long letter from Ray Lindsay to his England-based brother Jack Lindsay.>]