References |
[<ExternalResource: 'Interview with Rex Dupain', Interview conducted with Rex Dupain on 24/08/09 in Chippendale studio.>, <ExternalResource: Dupain, Rex (1998), 'Bondi to Broken Hill', Angus and Robertson Publishing.>, <ExternalResource: Dupain, Rex (2006), 'The Colour of Bondi', New Holland Publishers.>, <ExternalResource: Dupain, Rex, with an introduction by Robert McFarlane (2002), 'Rex Dupain: Australian Images', New Holland Publishers.>, <ExternalResource: Dupain, Rex (1992), 'Sydney Harbour: A Reinterpretation: Dupain', Thesis.>, <ExternalResource: 'Togther At Last', ABC Stateline.>, <ExternalResource: Mc Farlane, Robert (2007), 'The Colour of Bondi', The Sydney Morning Herald.>, <ExternalResource: McNicoll, D.D (2006), 'Dupain's Beach Snaps Draw Police's Focus', The Australian.>, <ExternalResource: Meacham, Steve (2009), 'Oh If I Could Just Chalk With The Animals', Sydney Morning Herald.>, <ExternalResource: 'Rex and Max Dupain's Sydney', Museum of Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: 'Rex Dupain', Rex Irwin Art Dealer.>]
[<ExternalResource: 'Interview with Rex Dupain', Interview conducted with Rex Dupain on 24/08/09 in Chippendale studio.>]