You are viewing the version of bio from March 4, 2023, 7:03 p.m. , as edited by Gary_Dufour (needs approval).
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creator of
Perth, Swan River as Viewed from Melville Waters

This work is the preparatory sketch in w/c for the larger finished watercolour “Perth, West Australia. on Swan River” in the State Art Collection, Art Gallery of western Australia. Acc. no. 1984/00W4.14.

creator of
King George's Sound

For an analysis of the compositional structure and its relationship to the 'Claudian’ formula see Dufour, Gary (1986) pp. 5-6. ill. in colour.

Note: watercolour and pencil, 17 x 26.5 cm (sheet & image) THe State Art Collection, Art Gallery of Western Australia, purchased 1984. Acc. no. 1984/00W4.10.
creator of
Possuming, An Aborigine notching a tree
watercolour over pencil underdrawing, 26.4 x 17.1 cm The State Art Collection, Art Gallery of Western Australia, purchase 1984. Acc. no. 1984/00W4.4.

This watercolour depicts a Kodz axe definitively linking the whole folio to Western Australia. Pivotal to obtaining a special grant from the Government of Western Australia to purchase Ffarington’s Folio.
Stone axes were used throughout Australia, but the construction of the kodz axe was restricted to the southwest region of the continent. See Dufour/Tilbrook (1986) pp. 25-26 for more extensive information.

Note: note use of 'Kodz Axe'
creator of
Possuming, An Aborigine notching a tree
pencil 22 x 14.2 cm The State Art Collection, Art Gallery of Western Australia, purchase 1984. Acc. no. 1984/00W4.18.

This drawing depicts a Kodz axe definitively linking the whole folio to Western Australia. Pivotal to obtaining a special grant from the Government of Western Australia to purchase Ffarington’s Folio.
Stone axes were used throughout Australia, but the construction of the kodz axe was restricted to the south west region. See Dufour/Tilbrook (1986) pp. 25-26 for more extensive information.

Note: note use of 'Kodz Axe'

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Date modified March 4, 2023, 7:03 p.m. March 4, 2023, 6:36 p.m.