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In collaboration with Oculus and RTA. Design for Woronora River Bridge and approaches, roadscape design and associated works.
New England Regional Gallery. Site specific structure for the building entrance.
Site specific sculpture for the facade of the new extension to the UTS library building.
In collaboration with EDAW. Design of site specific eco-sculpture to structure new landscape.
Ryde, NSW. In collaboration with the Roads and Traffic Authority. Design of retaining walls and artworks for the new tunnel at Ryde.
In collaboration with Spackman Mossop and Oculus. Design of the road corridor between the airport and Taylor square.
In collaboration with Spackman Mossop Sydney. Urban design including art and architectural features.
With the Roads and Traffic Authority. Design of sound walls, urban sculptural features and streetscape design.
With EDAW and Grose Bradley. Design of a major Sydney foreshore park including water features and other sculptural elements
Design of perimeter walls, sculptural growing frames, Convent perimeter wall and streetscape design for Pennant Hills Road
Site specific sculpture for Sydney Harbour commemorating ships built on Cockatoo Island
Design of streetscape and major sculptural remodelling of spaces under the new freeway at Pyrmont. This will constitute one of the largest site specific sculptures undertaken in Sydney’s public space.
Site specific sculpture installation between the Art Gallery of NSW and the Finger Wharf
With the Roads and Traffic Authority. Design of sound attenuation walls, retaining walls, support structures and urban planning for 3km road corridor.
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Date modified | Dec. 30, 2021, 6:53 p.m. | Dec. 30, 2021, 6:49 p.m. |
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