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[<ExternalResource: Algernon Graves, comp., A Dictionary of Artists who have exhibited pictures in the principal London Exhibitions of Oil Paintings from 1760-1880, to be published by Messrs. George Bell and Sons, (n.p.: n.d), p. 197, accessed on>, <ExternalResource: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons, Reports from the Committees: 16 Vols, Vol.13, Orange Lodges, Great Britain and The Colonies, Sess. 19 February-15 September, 1835: Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Origins, Nature, Extent and Tendency of Orange Institutions in Great Britain and The Colonies with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index, (London: 1835), p. 87, accessed on>, <ExternalResource: British Library Newspaper Collection>, <ExternalResource: J. W. Walker, Wakefield: its history and people, (Wakefield: West Yorkshire Printing Co., 1934), p. 456>, <ExternalResource: Larry Neal, "The financial crisis of 1825 and the restructuring of the British financial system," Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, May (1998): 53-76>, <ExternalResource: Ballarat Cemetery>, <ExternalResource: Henry Burgess, A Letter to the Right Hon. George Canning: to explain in what manner the industry of the people, and the productions of the country, are connected with, and influenced by, internal bills of exchange…. With a postscript on the tendency of the wages of labour in England and Ireland to become… (London: Harvey & Darton, 1826), p. 51, digitized by Harvard University, 2008>]