References |
[<ExternalResource: (26 April 2009), 'Interview with the artist', at the artist's home.>, <ExternalResource: Danica Firulovic (2009), 'Interview with the artist'.>, <ExternalResource: Dickerson, Jennifer (2004), 'Robert Dickeson: Against the Tide', Queen Street Fine Art.>, <ExternalResource: Powell, Louisa (2002), 'Robert Dickerson: The Complete Graphics', Queen Street Fine Art.>, <ExternalResource: Smith, Bernard (2001), 'Australian Painting: 1788-2000', Oxford University Press.>]
[<ExternalResource: (26 April 2009), 'Interview with the artist', at the artist's home.>, <ExternalResource: Danica Firulovic (2009), 'Interview with the artist'.>]