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Christopher Heathcote, A Quest for Enlightenment: The art of Roger Kemp, Melbourne: Macmillan, 2007.
Australian Art Collector, ‘Roger Kemp: Universal Cycles’, Issue 22, October-December 2002, [Accessed on 23 December].
http://www.artcollector.net.au/RogerKempUniversalCyclesEva Breuer Art Dealer, ‘Artists: Roger Kemp: Biography’ [Accessed on 23 December 2012].
http://www.evabreuerartdealer.com.au/artists/roger-kemp/biographyNational Gallery of Victoria, 'Roger Kemp – Collection’, [Accessed on 23 December 2012].
http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/col/artist/1790Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, 'Roger Kemp’, [Accessed on 23 December 2012].
http://mobile.qagoma.qld.gov.au/collection/recent_acquisitions/roger_kempThe Cbus Collection of Australian Art, 'Roger Kemp 1908-1987’, [Accessed on 23 December 2012].
http://www.cbusartcollection.com/artists/?id=100Barry Pearce, with essays by Jane Clark (et al.), Parallel Visions: Works from the Australian Collection, Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2002.
Patrick McCaughey “A revered artist driven relentlessly” (obituary) The Age 18 September 1987
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