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[<ExternalResource: Meacham, Steve (5 January 2005), 'The silhouette man of Luna Park cuts a fine figure', Sydney Morning Herald, p.7, This newspaper feature includes a 2005 photograph of the artist by James Alcock.>, <ExternalResource: 'interview and various press features'.>, <ExternalResource: Clifford-Smith, Silas (August 2008), 'S. John Ross, the silhouette man', Australiana Society.>, <ExternalResource: Clifford-Smith, Silas (18 August 2009) 'Information sourced from'.>]
[<ExternalResource: Meacham, Steve (5 January 2005), 'The silhouette man of Luna Park cuts a fine figure', Sydney Morning Herald, p.7, This newspaper feature includes a 2005 photograph of the artist by James Alcock.>, <ExternalResource: 'interview and various press features'.>]