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References | [<ExternalResource: Dowd, B.T., 'Samuel Augustus Perry', Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 2, ed. Pike, D., Shaw, A., Clark, M., Nairn, B., Serle, G. and Ward, R. vols 1-6, Melbourne 1966-1976.>, <ExternalResource: Dixson, W. (1923), 'Notes on Australian artists', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society (JRAHS), vol. 9.>, <ExternalResource: Gray, N.R. (1964), 'Samuel Augustus Perry, Deputy Surveyor-General of New South Wales, 1828-1853', Descent, vol. 2, no. 2.>, <ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', 2nd edn, Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: (1985), Sotheby's catalogue, Sydney, 10-24.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Chapman, W. Sydney Morning Herald, 06-02, (1849).>, <ExternalResource: Malor, D. (1990), 'Notes on the Perry family', ms.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Hamilton, Miriam.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Chapman, W.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Malor, Deborah.>] |