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Lehmann, Steffen, Tanja Riccius and Stefan Sterf (1995), 'Hülle—Schwere—Licht [enclosure—gravity—light]’, Aedes Gallery, Berlin, exhibition catalogue.
Al-Qawasmi, Jamal and Guillermo Vasquez de Velasco (Eds.) (2006), 'Rethinking the design studio: Art+Architecture – a case study of collaboration in an interdisciplinary context” in Changing trends in architectural design education’, National School of Architecture, Rabat, Morocco, proceedings of the CSAAR 2006 Conference held at the National School of Architecture, Rabat, Morocco14-16 November, 2006.
'catalogues and other publications’.
Saines, Deborah Durie (1993), 'Interview with the artist’, Unknown.
Feiresiss, Kristin (Ed.) (1995), 'Steffen Lehmann Architekten’, Aedes Architecture Gallery, Berlinurl:, .
Lehmann, Steffen (Ed.) (2009), 'Back to the City: Strategies for informal urban interventions’, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, Germanyurl:, .