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Early film and photographic work and more recent video installation work, included 'No Conversation’ executed in mid 1985 in New Zealand while the artist was in-Residence at the Elam School of Art (Auckland) under the Geoff Lloyd memorial Fellowship.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
EAG annual report 1986
John Gasper, Sue Richter, David Kerr, performance; Judy Turpin, performance; Rob Knottenbelt, poetry reading
Project exhibition, curated by Bernice Murphy, that brought recent Adelaide experimental art to Sydney
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
Stephanie Britton (ed.) A decade at the EAF: A history of the Experimental Art Foundation 1974-1984. Adelaide: The Experimental Art Foundation, 1984
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Date modified | July 8, 2015, 1:52 p.m. | July 7, 2015, 10:16 a.m. |
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