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  • Stearn, W. (June 1969), 'A Royal Society appointment with Venus in 1769: The voyage of Cook and Banks in the Endeavour in 1768-1771 and its botanical results’, Royal Society Notes and Records, vol. 24, no. 1, June 1969, .

  • Fell, C., 'Sydney Parkinson’, Dictionary of National Biographies, ed. Stephens, L. & Lee, S., 22 vols, London 1885-1901.

  • (ed.) Carr, D. (1983), 'Sydney Parkinson: Artist of Cook’s Endeavour Voyage’, Canberra 1983.

  • Holmes, M. (1952), 'Captain James Cook R.N., F.R.S.: A Bibliographical Excursion’, London 1952.

  • Joppien, R. & Smith, B. (1985), 'The Art of Captain Cook’s Voyages’, vol. I, The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771, Melbourne 1985.

  • Lysaght, A.M. (1959), 'Some eighteenth century bird paintings in the library of Sir Joseph Banks’, Bulletin British Museum (Natural History), Historic Series, vol. 1, no. 6, 1959.

  • Parkinson, S., 'A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty’s Ship the Endeavour’, London 1773 (2nd edn, 1784).

  • Rienits, R. & Rienits, T. (1963), 'Early Artists of Australia’, Sydney 1963.

  • Sawyer, F.C. (1950), 'Some natural history drawings made during Captain Cook’s first voyage round the world’, Journal of the Society of Bibliography for Natural History, vol. 22, 1950.

  • Smith, B. (1950), 'European vision and the South Pacific’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 13, 1950.

  • Whitehead, P.P.J. (1969), 'Zoological specimens from Captain Cook’s voyages’, Journal of the Society of Bibliography for Natural History, vol. 5, no. 3, 1969.

  • Friends’ Quarterly Examiner, vol. 11.

  • Lysaght, A. M. (1971), 'Joseph Banks in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1766’, London.

  • Lysaght, A.M. (1977), 'Banks’s artists in the Endeavour’, The Journal of H.M.S. Endeavour (facsimile edn), Guildford 1977.

  • Lysaght, A.M. (1979), 'Banks’ artists and his Endeavour collections’, British Museum Yearbook 3: Captain Cook and the South Pacific, London 1979.

  • Lysaght, A.M., The Journal of Joseph Banks in the Endeavour, Guildford 1980.

  • Rientis, R. & Rientis, T. (1968), 'The Voyages of Captain Cook’, London.

  • Smith, B. (1985), 'European Vision and the South Pacific 1768-1850’, Oxford 1960 (2nd edn, Yale 1985).

  • Smith, B. (1979), 'Art as Information: Reflections on the Art from Captain Cook’s Voyages’, Sydney.

  • Whitehead, P. P. J. (1968), 'Forty drawings of fishes made by the artists who accompanied James Cook on his three voyages to the Pacific, 1768-71, 1772-75, 1776-80’, British Museum (Natural History) Yearbook 3: Captain Cook and the South Pacific, London 1968.

  • Whitehead, P.P. J. (1978), 'Zoological collections brought back from Cook’s voyages’, Paper presented to the conference 'Captain Cook and his times’, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (BC) 1978.

Initial data sources

  • The Dictionary of Australian Artists: painters, sketchers, photographers and engravers to 1870

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