Featured Artists
- Lola Greeno
- Lindy Lee
- Rosemary Wynnis Madigan
- Margaret Preston
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Our Mob celebrates the diverse talents of South Australian-based Aboriginal artists and aims to create an outlet for artists to share their unique stories of place, country, identity and family in a variety of ways. The artists showing in Our Mob represent a wide range of ages, environments and levels of experience – from the very young to emerging artists and respected Aboriginal elders.
Ghostly Nature – part 1 features both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artists who have each actively sought out, documented and gotten lost in places of particular personal, cultural and historic significance. These artists have individually gone on journeys; travelling unforgettable paths, discovering family stories and made connections to land.
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Date modified | May 23, 2015, 4:35 p.m. | May 23, 2015, 4:35 p.m. |
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