A well known and well loved Australian artist, Thea Proctor was prolific both as an artist and designer. A prominent figure in the art scene she championed the ideas of 'taste' and 'style'.
'PORTRAIT: Professor A.L. Sadler Shows Japanese Prints to Miss Thea Proctor during Ethel Spower[s]'s Exhibition at Adrian Feint's Grosvenor Galleries, vignette in 'Sydney s'amuse' by Mahdi McCrae, from Home 1 July 1926.'.
'Section 2: plate 71', Heritage biography.
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Related events
Burdekin House Exhibition (exhibited at)
The world of Thea Proctor (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
(solo show) (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
[Joint exhibition with Margaret Preston] (exhibited at)
Venice International Exhibition (exhibited at)
Women's Work Exhibition (exhibited at)
NSW Society of Artists (exhibited at)
Franco-British Exhibition of Science, Arts and Industries, London (None)
Women's Work Exhibition (None)
Burdekin House Exhibition (exhibited at)
The world of Thea Proctor (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
(solo show) (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
Untitled Event (exhibited at)
[Joint exhibition with Margaret Preston] (exhibited at)
Venice International Exhibition (exhibited at)
Women's Work Exhibition (exhibited at)
NSW Society of Artists (exhibited at)
Franco-British Exhibition of Science, Arts and Industries, London (None)