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Ennis, H. (2000), 'Mirror with a Memory’, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, ACT, Wrongly calls him 'Adam’ but includes a good cdv of a man in front of a painted backdrop taken c.1862-3 at his Melbourne Gallery.
Davies, Alan & Stanbury, Peter (1985), 'The Mechanical Eye in Australia: Photography 1841-1900’, Melbourne, Vic.: Oxford University Press.
Cato, J. (1955), 'The Story of the Camera in Australia’, Melbourne, Vic.
Ennis, H. (2000), 'Mirror with a Memory’, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, ACT, Wrongly calls him 'Adam’ but includes a good cdv of a man in front of a painted backdrop taken c.1862-3 at his Melbourne Gallery.
Information sourced from Davies, Alan.