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Oil painting from 1914.
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References | [<ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan; & McCulloch, Susan (1994), 'Encyclopedia of Australian art', St Leonards, NSW : Allen & Unwin (3rd revised edition), cites letter from Wilfred Symmons, grandson 14/10/1985.>, <ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan; & McCulloch, Susan (1994), 'Encyclopedia of Australian art', St Leonards, NSW : Allen & Unwin (3rd revised edition), cites letter from Wilfred Symmons, grandson 14/10/1985.>, <ExternalResource: 'Western Australia Birth Records : 17370 1876', WA.>] | [<ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan; & McCulloch, Susan (1994), 'Encyclopedia of Australian art', St Leonards, NSW : Allen & Unwin (3rd revised edition), cites letter from Wilfred Symmons, grandson 14/10/1985.>] |