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Troy-Anthony Baylis (2012), 'Queerly Speaking: Troy-Anthony Baylis, Artlink’, Adelaide, SA.
http://www.artlink.com.au/articles/3793/queerly-speaking/Nicholls, Christine (2008) An Extension To Love, Asian Art News, January/February
Baylis, T. (2011) My Body the Hand Grenade: Kaboobie’s making camp, Social Alternatives, Vol 30 #2
Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | June 24, 2013, 10:36 p.m. | June 24, 2013, 10:35 p.m. |
References | [<ExternalResource: Troy-Anthony Baylis (2012), 'Queerly Speaking: Troy-Anthony Baylis, Artlink', Adelaide, SA.>, <ExternalResource: Nicholls, Christine (2008) An Extension To Love, Asian Art News, January/February>, <ExternalResource: Baylis, T. (2011) My Body the Hand Grenade: Kaboobie’s making camp, Social Alternatives, Vol 30 #2>] | [<ExternalResource: Troy-Anthony Baylis (2012), 'Queerly Speaking: Troy-Anthony Baylis, Artlink', Adelaide, SA.>, <ExternalResource: Nicholls, Christine (2008) An Extension To Love, Asian Art News, January/February>] |