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photographer and painter, was principal of W. Burrows & Co., 'Photographers and Artists’ who advertised their new Melbourne Portrait Rooms in Brisbane Street, Launceston in 1876 ( Tasmanian 16 September 1876, 9; info. G.T. Stilwell). The business and stock (including negatives) of W. Burrows’s Melbourne and Sydney Portrait Rooms in Murray Street, Hobart was purchased by J. Bishop Osborne ( Mercury 30 April 1878, 3: info. G.T. Stilwell).

The 1880-81 Melbourne International Exhibition included: Tasmania – Photographic Proofs and Apparatus – Burrowes, W., Launceston – no.31 Framed photographs – Portraits.

Burrows’s Melbourne Portrait Rooms advertised such honours as a bronze medal at Sydney, 1881, and a silver medal at Calcutta, 1884; and offered 'enlargements from… any… photograph finished in oil or watercolour’ (info. Catherine Norman).

Two oil paintings of a farm on the East Tamar River were commissioned from W. Burrows by the late occupier, Frank Hill in 1886 ( Launceston Examiner 19 January 1886, 2: info. G.T. Stilwell).

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