W. Rose was a sketcher and police magistrate in the 1860s. Rose and more than sixty other people were held up by the bushrangers Ben Hall, Johnny Gilbert and John Dunn at Black Springs, near Jugiong (NSW), on 16 November 1864.
sketcher and police magistrate, was one of more than sixty people held up by the bushrangers Ben Hall, Johnny Gilbert and John Dunn at Black Springs, near Jugiong (NSW), on 16 November 1864. While Dunn guarded the prisoners, Hall and Gilbert bailed up the mail coach from Gundagai, and Gilbert shot dead one of the two accompanying mounted troopers. Rose’s sketch of the event formed the basis of an illustration, Hall, Gilbert and Dunn Sticking up the Mail at the Black Springs , reproduced in the Illustrated Melbourne Post on 25 January 1865.
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