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Kibby, John (April 1984), 'The Visual Arts in Far North Since 1900’, Arts Queensland, Volume 1, Number 2, pages 53 and 54, .
'Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, QLD’.
(1984), 'Queensland Pictorialist Photography 1920-1950’, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, QLD.
(5 May 1933), Brisbane Courier, Brisbane, QLD.
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References | [<ExternalResource: Kibby, John (April 1984), 'The Visual Arts in Far North Since 1900', Arts Queensland, Volume 1, Number 2, pages 53 and 54, .>, <ExternalResource: 'Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, QLD'.>, <ExternalResource: (1984), 'Queensland Pictorialist Photography 1920-1950', Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, QLD.>, <ExternalResource: (5 May 1933), Brisbane Courier, Brisbane, QLD.>] | [<ExternalResource: Kibby, John (April 1984), 'The Visual Arts in Far North Since 1900', Arts Queensland, Volume 1, Number 2, pages 53 and 54, .>, <ExternalResource: 'Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, QLD'.>] |