References |
[<ExternalResource: Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.>, <ExternalResource: Bertie, C. (1920), 'Old Pitt Street', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, [6/2].>, <ExternalResource: Fahy, K., Simpson, C. & Simpson, A. (1980), 'Nineteenth Century Australian Furniture', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: (1863), Sydney, NSW: Empire, 06-12.>, <ExternalResource: (1868), Sydney, NSW: Empire, 01-04.>, <ExternalResource: (1868), Sydney Mail, 01-25.>, <ExternalResource: (1863), Sydney Morning Herald, 05-29.>, <ExternalResource: (1863), Sydney Morning Herald, 06-06.>, <ExternalResource: (1863), Sydney Morning Herald, 06-12.>, <ExternalResource: (1863), Sydney Morning Herald, 06-20.>, <ExternalResource: (1868), Sydney Morning Herald, 01-23.>, <ExternalResource: (1869), Sydney Punch, 06-26.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Lennon, J.>]