References |
[<ExternalResource: Archer, W. (1864), 'P& P Royal Society Tasmania'.>, <ExternalResource: Lennard, B. (1980), 'William Archer (1820 1874)', Proceedings of the Tasmanian Historical Research Association vol. 27, no. 3, September.>, <ExternalResource: (1966), 'William Archer', Australian Dictionary of Biography, ed. D. Pike, A. Shaw, M. Clark, B. Nairn, G. Serle and R. Ward, vols 1, Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Mander-Jones, P. (1972), 'Manuscripts in the British Isles relating to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific', Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: Moore, William (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art', 2 vols, (facsimile reprint, 1980).>, <ExternalResource: Robertson, E.G. (1964), 'Early Houses of Northern Tasmania', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Dixson, W. (1923), 'Notes on Australian artists', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society vol. 9, iss.2 & 7.>, <ExternalResource: 'Archer Papers', University of Tasmania Archives.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Stilwell, G.T.>, <ExternalResource: (1846), Launceston Examiner, 12-02.>]
[<ExternalResource: Archer, W. (1864), 'P& P Royal Society Tasmania'.>]