References |
[<ExternalResource: (March 1982), 'Portraits by Camera from the Collection', National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, .>, <ExternalResource: (June 1989), 'Masterpieces of Australian Photography, Josef Lebovic Gallery catalogue', Paddington, New South Wales, .>, <ExternalResource: Johnson, W.S. (1990), 'Nineteenth-Century Photography: An Annotated Bibliography 1839-1879', Boston (Mass.), U.S.A.>, <ExternalResource: (1863), Illustrated Melbourne Post, April 11, 18.>, <ExternalResource: 'Woodbury Papers', Royal Photographic Society, Bath, England.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Callaway, A.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Chapman, W.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Newton, G.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Lennon, J.>]
[<ExternalResource: (March 1982), 'Portraits by Camera from the Collection', National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, .>, <ExternalResource: (June 1989), 'Masterpieces of Australian Photography, Josef Lebovic Gallery catalogue', Paddington, New South Wales, .>]