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Eagle, Mary (1996), 'Dobell, Sir William’.
http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/dobell-sir-william-10025Thomas, D., North, I., & McCarthy F. (1972), 'The Australian Landscape’.
Hetherington, Michelle (1999), 'Follow the Sun: Australian Travel Posters 1930s-1950s’, National Library of Australia, Canberra.
Eagle, Mary (1999), 'A Tribute to William Dobell’, Australian National University, Drill Hall Gallery, Canberra, ACT.
Merewether, Charles (ed.) (1984), 'Art & social commitment: an end to the city of dreams’, Sydney, NSW: Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Gleeson, James (1964), 'William Dobell’, London, England: Thames and Hudson (1st edition).
Gleeson, James, Information from.
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