You are viewing the version of bio from April 20, 2021, 1:06 p.m. , as edited by Lalla_Maus (needs approval).
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  • McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art’, Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).

  • 'The 1931 Group Exhibition’, Art in New Zealand, December 1931, pp. 122-128

  • '1932 Group exhibition’, Art in New Zealand, December 1932, pp. 96-98.

  • 'James Cook: a painter of promise’, Art in New Zealand, March 1933, pp. 143-154

Initial data sources

  • Black and white artists

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Date modified April 20, 2021, 1:06 p.m. April 20, 2021, 1 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).>, <ExternalResource: 'The 1931 Group Exhibition', Art in New Zealand, December 1931, pp. 122-128>, <ExternalResource: '1932 Group exhibition', Art in New Zealand, December 1932, pp. 96-98.>, <ExternalResource: 'James Cook: a painter of promise', Art in New Zealand, March 1933, pp. 143-154>] [<ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).>]