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Also exhibited in 1777 and then annually from 1785-1794.
Also exhibited in 1763 & 1764.
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References | [<ExternalResource: Smith, Bernard, 'Imagining the Pacific', [Three Tahitian views 1773 - in illustrated edition are quoted by Viv Binns].>, <ExternalResource: Hodges, William (1793), 'Travels in India'.>, <ExternalResource: Joppien, R & Smith, B. (1985), 'The Art of Captain Cook's Voyages 2: The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure 1772 1775', New Haven, USA.>, <ExternalResource: Stuebe, I. (1979), 'The Life and Works of William Hodges', Garland Outstanding Dissertation in the Fine Arts, New York, USA.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.>] | [<ExternalResource: Smith, Bernard, 'Imagining the Pacific', [Three Tahitian views 1773 - in illustrated edition are quoted by Viv Binns].>, <ExternalResource: Hodges, William (1793), 'Travels in India'.>] |