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- Wyatt, William (parent of)
- Wyatt, William (grandparent of)
- Wyatt, Julia (spouse of)
- Wyatt, William (parent of)
- Wyatt, William (grandparent of)
- Wyatt, Julia (spouse of)
- Sweet, Samuel White (associate of)
Related works |
- Monograph of Certain Crustacia Entomostraca. Order Branchiopoda; Section Lophyropa; and Genera Cyclops, Daphnia, and Lynceus. Illustrated by much-enlarged Microscopic Drawings, subsequently reduced by Photography (book) (creator of)
- Monograph of Certain Crustacia Entomostraca. Order Branchiopoda; Section Lophyropa; and Genera Cyclops, Daphnia, and Lynceus. Illustrated by much-enlarged Microscopic Drawings, subsequently reduced by Photography (book) (creator of)