iain dawson gallery 3 February 2010 - 22 February 2010

White, Anthony

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iain dawson gallery
3 February 2010 - 22 February 2010

This exhibition was made in residence at Australia’s Storrier Onslow Studio, at the Cite Internationale Des Arts, Paris. This studio award, enable me to paint and live in Paris for three months.

The architectural surfaces of Paris are laden with centuries of graffiti, posters, filth and humanity. The works draw upon these references and the sense of transience, the passing of time, the organis and the antique’

Oil on linen
Anthony White, Iain Dawson, Paris Paintings, La Cite Internationale Des Arts

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Date modified June 18, 2015, 10:01 a.m. Nov. 8, 2012, 5:13 p.m.