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Also Popular Choice Award. Judged by Irene Amos, OAM.
Highly Commended
for painting, 'Sky Mural’; judged by Raoul Melish, Director, Queensland Art Gallery
Highly Commended
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References | [<ExternalResource: (25 August 2006), 'JNews - Lorin Blumenthal'.>, <ExternalResource: 'the artist'.>, <ExternalResource: (2007), 'Prints and Printmaking', National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: (12 March 2001), ''SnapShot' series', ABC TV.>, <ExternalResource: (7 December 1999), 'City Beat with Alicia Pyke', Courier Mail.>, <ExternalResource: (1996), 'Windows to the Soul', AFA (Association of Fine Artists Inc.).>, <ExternalResource: (1988), 'In Search of Gold', Gold Coast City Art Gallery, QLD.>] | [<ExternalResource: (25 August 2006), 'JNews - Lorin Blumenthal'.>, <ExternalResource: 'the artist'.>] |