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Davies, Alan and Stanbury, Peter (1985), 'The Mechanical Eye in Australia: Photography 1841-1900’, Melbourne, Victoria.
Auer, M. (1985), 'International Encyclopedia of Photographers from 1839 to the Present’, vol. 2, Hernance, Switzerland.
Cato, J. (1955), 'The Story of the Camera in Australia’, Melbourne, Victoria.
Johnson, W.S. (1990), 'Nineteenth-Century Photography: An Annotated Bibliography 1839-1879’, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Newton, G. (1988), 'Shades of Light’, Canberra, ACT.
(15 December 1893), Photographic Times, London, England.
'Walter Woodbury Papers’, Royal Photographic Society, Bath, England.
Information sourced from Bruce, Candice.